Bhartiya Janata Party’s National Vice - President Shri Mukthar Abbas Naqvi cautioned the Congress Party to desist from shedding “AFZALI TEARS” (Afzali Aansu) on terrorism.
Sh. Naqvi added that entire country is irked on the weak policy and attitude of the Congress Party and the UPA government led by it towards terrorism, separatism and Naxalism. Moreover, the Congress Party is promoting terrorism in stead of crushing it.
Shri Naqvi observed that Congress wants all political parties and leaders of the country should keep mum on terrorism like its president Smt. Sonia Gandi and its crown-prince Shri Rahul Gandhi. That is why the Congress Party opens new front against each leader who opposes terrorism.
Shri Naqvi observed that country’s Muslims don’t hold terrorist Afzal Guru and Osama Bin Laden as their icon, but the Congress Party attempts to divert the attention of the people from real terrorism by turning the terrorism as “Hindu – Muslim terrorism”.
Five posers from the Congress Party
1.Why the report of the Congress Government does say that the law and order situation of the country can worsen on putting Afzal Guru at gallows?
2.Why the Congress Party is shedding all-round “Afzali tears” on its complete failures on terrorism, separatism and Naxalism?
3.Why the Congress Party is attempting to divert the attention of the people from real terrorism by terming terrorism as “Hindu-Muslim terrorism?
4.Why the Congress Party wants the BJP to keep mum on terrorism, separatism and Naxalism like Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi?
5.Why the Congress Party is abusing the patriotism of crores of Muslims by branding voices against terrorism as “voices against Muslims”?
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