The BJP National President Shri Nitin Gadkari has approved the recommendations of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Kerala, Tamilnadu and Odisha's State Election Committee regarding the bye-election to the Legislative Assembly of different States.
The names of the candidates finalised for the Legislative Assembly Constituencies are as under:-
Sl. No. | Name of State | Constituency No. and Name | Name of the Candidate |
1. | Andhra Pradesh | 74-Mahabubnagar | Sh. Y. Srinivas Reddy |
2 | Gujarat | 84-Mansa | Sh. D.D. Patel |
3 | Kerala | 85-Piravom | Sh. K.R. Rajagopal |
4 | Tamil Nadu | 219-Sankaran Kovil (SC) | Sh. L. Murugan |
5 | Odisha | 89-Athgarh | Sh. Bikram Dash |