Thursday, April 28, 2011
Points made by Shri L.K. Advani
Points made by Shri L.K. Advani, Chairman, BJP Parliamentary Party, while talking to the media at Begumpet Airport, Hyderabad
It was in 2008 that I had written a letter to the Prime Minister urging the government to pursue the issue of black money stashed abroad by Indians, in a manner to get that enormous wealth back to India as has been done by the USA and Germany in respect of their own nationals.
The NDA has been pursuing this matter ever since and we have been of the view that our government has done nothing substantial in this regard. Occasionally they even talked about double taxation treaties being an obstacle in this regard.
Today, Mr Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, has made a revealing statement to the Press Trust of India. I am citing below the six points that he has made in his statement. Together they amount to a serious indictment of the Government of India’s approach to this problem and fully vindictive of our criticism of the government for its lackadaisical approach to this issue.
Points made Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder, to PTI:
1. There are Indian names in the Swiss Bank lists in possession by WikiLeaks.
2. There are more Indian depositors than of any other nationality. There is no reason why India should not be aggressive.
3. India is losing to foreign banks much more per capita than Germany which is pursuing the issue very aggressively.
4. India’s response to the WikiLeaks cables was “one of the worst in the world”. Its response was “a clear attempt to mislead the nation on what the cables were.”
5. Double taxation has nothing to do with amounts deposited in Swiss Banks or other tax havens, which Assange has rightly said is assets hiding.
6. Stashing black money away in foreign banks is much worse than local corruption. When Indian money is pushed offshore, then every time they are selling rupees and the result is that the currency of the nation is debased. Everything for Indians becomes more expensive as a result of that transfer.
Mr Julian Assange had earlier claimed that he had handed over bank accounts by a former banker Rudolf Elmer, and that names in the documents include “business people, politicians, people who have made their living in the arts and multinational conglomerates - from both sides of the Atlantic.
I demand the Government of India make a point by point response to the issues raised by Mr Julian Assange
Monday, April 25, 2011
BJP Karnataka Information Technology Cell invites all our BLOG FRIENDS to join us for the Inauguration Ceremony of the NEW STATE OFFICE of BJP KARNATAKA. Sri L.K.Advaniji, Senior BJP Leader shall inaugurate the office on 28th April 2011, Thursday at 11-00 am morning at No.48, 1st Main, Temple Street, 11th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560003. Looking forward to see you all there. Thanks, BJP Karnataka IT Cell Team, Contact - 9036005901
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
In respect of Wikileaks, The Hindu has really made history by offering to its readers articles and reports based on a selection from 5100 India Cables, aggregating six million words.
To cap all these valuable reports, N.Ram, the highly acclaimed Editor-in - Chief of The Hindu travelled to the county of Norfolk in U.K. and in the course of an hour long interview with Julian Assange, Editor-in - Chief of Wikileaks was able to give the country a glimpse of the theoretical framework within which Wikileaks plays its role on the world stage, and what motivates and moves Assange.
The interview is carried by the paper in two instalments, the first on April 12, 2011 and the second on April 13, 2011.
In the context of the Government of India’s reaction to the leaks relating to India, Assange’s comments about the Indian Prime Minister were highly uncomplimentary. I would like to reproduce verbatim the relevant exchange between The Hindu Editor and Wikileaks Editor:
N.RAM : In India, after the initial stunned reaction, the tone of the official response to our publication of the India Cables was set by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh questioning or disputing in Parliament the authenticity of the cables and what the U.S. Embassy and consulates were reporting back to the State Department. Here’s what he actually said in the Lok Sabha, our House of Commons, on March 18. He said the government “cannot confirm the veracity, contents or even the existence of such communication.” This seems to have set the Indian government apart from the rest of the governments, the rest of the world, at the receiving end, doesn’t it?
JULIAN ASSANGE: Yes, it does.
N.RAM : Have you come across this reaction anywhere else?
JULIAN ASSANGE: We have not come across this reaction, and that reaction disturbed me. Because Hillary Clinton had been involved in informing the Indian government, in December [2010], as well as many other governments, that this was coming. There has been no question as to the credibility of any document we have ever published in the last four years, let alone the [U.S. Embassy] cables — which have been authenticated by the very aggressive action of the State Department towards us and by hundreds of journalists from the most reputable institutions across the world.
That is why I said I find that statement a deliberate, knowing attempt to mislead the Indian population. And that is something which is quite concerning. Because that is not just an allegation, it is directly from Prime Minister Singh’s mouth and he knows better than to do that. While I have heard — I have no proof but the consensus seems to be that — he is not personally corrupt, here’s a clear attempt to cover up for the possible corruption of other people. Rather than simply playing it straight, which he should have done, and say, ‘Look, there are allegations. They are serious and we will investigate them and come to the truth of the matter and give a full report to the Parliament.’
I think if he had taken that approach, he would have been served a lot better. So he has acted against his own interests and acted against the interests of his party, which is odd. So I would suggest it means that he has a habit that he was following rather than thinking things through — and a habit of reactively covering up allegations of corruption.
N.RAM : However, a senior Opposition figure, L.K. Advani, former Deputy Prime Minister and BJP leader — he was in a “Meet the Press’ programme in Mumbai where I was on the panel [of editors asking him questions] — he said these [cables] are true. He praised WikiLeaks and us for getting it. But basically he said that a cable can be divided into three parts. I think you’ve said something like that in interviews but he had come to his own conclusions. One is the fact element, based on facts. He said, ‘So far as I’m concerned, they’re true. Because they’re not meant for anyone other than their headquarters and it’s true.’ Then, he said, there’s interpretation and the third component is advice provided by the Embassy.
N.RAM : Similarly, other BJP leaders have used it when Congress is at the receiving end. And interestingly, in a recent election campaign, Sonia Gandhi, president of the Congress, used WikiLeaks because one of the BJP leaders said, ‘ Hindu nationalism is an opportunistic issue.’
JULIAN ASSANGE: Yes, I saw that. Fascinating.
N.RAM : And she used it. They’re tying themselves up in knots. I thought I’d get your insight on it. But you have said your score on two issues is perfect. One is, not a single item that you have put on WikiLeaks has been shown to be anything other than accurate. Secondly, there’s not an instance where it has harmed any innocent person.
JULIAN ASSANGE: Well, well not physically harmed. Not physically harmed. And I don’t know a case where it has harmed any innocent person either, in a non-physical way. Many politicians have had to resign or ambassadors that have had to leave their countries because their relationships became unworkable as a result of the lies they were telling their counterparts, and governments have lost elections and dictators like Mubarak had been expelled. But we know of no instance — and neither is one alleged by any official in the United States or another country — where an individual has come to harm as a result of our publishing…
N.RAM : So justice is what moves Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. That’s your lodestar, your conception of justice?
JULIAN ASSANGE: Yes. We have a method and a goal. Our goal is justice and WikiLeaks and its various publishing activities and sourcing activities is the method that we use to try and head towards this goal to have a more just society. And if you ask why am I interested in that, well there’s a lot of things I can do. I’m in a fortunate position where I am able to do many things and have done many things. But I see that the world is my world and I am unhappy that my world has injustice in it. I think it is less of a world and it makes me sad to see those things in it. I want to be happy, so I want to make the world more just.
Those using the internet know that Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia. To reply to people wanting to know some details about Wikileaks and about Julian Assange its Editor- in –Chief, this is what one is able to gather from Wikipedia.
Julian Paul Assange (born 3 July, 1971) is an Australian publisher, and an internet activist. Wikileaks is a whistle-blower website. Before working with the website he was a Physics and Mathematics student as well as a computer programmer.
Assange has lived in several countries and has told reporters that he is constantly on the move. He makes irregular appearances to speak about freedom of the press, censorship and investigating reporting.
In 2009, Assange won the Amnesty International Media Award “for exposing extra judicial assassinations in Kenya.” The British magazine New Statesman named him among the World’s 50 Most Influential Figures in 2010.
The country is really angry over corruption. It is generally accepted that corruption prevails not because of a lack of necessary laws, but because those in the establishment lack the will to punish the scamsters.
So, even before Parliament meets for its Monsson Session and takes up the Lokpal Bill presently being considered by the Committee secured by Anna Hazare, the real test of Government’s sincerity about tackling corruption will be what action it takes about the three scams that have already come to light –the Spectrum Scam, the Commonwealth Games Scam and the Mumbai Defence Land Scam.
Also, another sore point with the masses is that in recent years while the more powerful western countries like U.S. and Germany have succeeded in penetrating into the banking secrecy laws of tax havens like Switzerland and getting back their own wealth, Government of India has made no earnest efforts in this regard. It has not even ratified the U.N. Convention against Corruption adopted in 2004.
The enormous amount of black money stashed abroad by Indians must be brought back without delay.
The closing remark of Julian Assange at the end of his one hour interview with N.Ram is interesting. He said: “There’s one thing I would like to say to The Hindu and to Indian people in general. Which is, as an Australian, thank you for speaking English better than the English.”
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
After witnessing the World Cup Final at the Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai, on April 2nd, I had written that it was not just the thousands at the stadium who were exploding with joy, the entire country felt ecstatic and proud the moment they heard that India had won the cup. I am not surprised that reporting Government’s assurance to Anna Hazare on the basis of which the veteran has called off his fast, the Times of India’s front page Banner Headline says: INDIA WINS AGAIN !
On the evening of Friday April 8, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee rang me up to apprise me about the terms of the deal government had been able to work out with Hazare. He said Government has assured Anna that the Lokpal Bill as drafted by the proposed Committee, would be introduced in Parliament during its Monsoon session. My comment was: Let it be passed in that session. Even if the Bill is to be referred to the Standing Committee, it can be finalized and passed. Every one is keen that there be no delay in tackling corruption. In fact Government should be conscious that the dimensions of corruption have become so frightening that the assault on this malady has to be multi-pronged.
A meeting of political parties should be convened to discuss this issue particularly in the context of black money and curbing money-power in elections.
Panic-stricken by the groundswell of public support Anna Hazare’s fast against corruption had received, Government finally succumbed. But as India Today remarked, not before “showing its mean face”!
The report, by Kay Benedict and Ashish Sinha, went on to say: ‘Liberally loading its smear brush with saffron, a senior party leader fumed: “He is not a Gandhian, but an RSS agent.’
Anna Hazare’s own comment about this charge was : “Those who wear coloured glasses see everything in one colour.”
In his letter to the Prime Minister, Anna wrote: “Kindly stop finding faults and suspecting conspiracies in our movement. Even if there were, it does not absolve you of your responsibility to stop corruption.”
Opposition Parties in Parliament have ample justification to hold that it is their protest during the last winter session of Parliament against the series of scams that had surfaced, that has triggered off a jana andolan against corruption.
When I first met Baba Ramdev at the Kumbh Mela at Haridwar, I kept thinking how his excellent grasp of the contribution that Yogasanas can make towards the health of a common citizen irrespective of his or her age, combined with the impact of television, had made him a rare phenomenon.
In these last six decades there have been many other masters of the science of yoga – some of them perhaps equipped with even greater expertise THAN Baba Ramdev, but if none could achieve the status of an icon as Ramdevji has achieved, it is only because in this latter case it is oriental wisdom being blended with western technology that has worked wonders.
In Anna Hazare’s case, T.V. has been replaced by IT and it has made the 73-year old veteran ex-serviceman another icon not just for the country but for Indians around the globe.
The immediate effect has been that the JPC which the NDA, supported by the entire opposition could achieve only after two months and that too after the opposition had created history by not allowing Parliament to have any business for the whole of the winter session, Hazare was able to achieve his limited objective of a more effective Lokpal Bill within four days of his announcement of a fast unto death.
I wish Government realizes that in both cases – the opposition’s success in getting a JPC, and in Anna’s success about a law for Lokpal, the principal contributory has been the UPA Government itself which by now has earned the singular reputation of being the most corrupt government independent India has seen.
The series of scams that have surfaced in recent months and their cost dimensions for the country have really created a feeling of intense anger against the establishment. Baba Ramdev and Anna Hazare are widely perceived as upright persons who have no personal axe to grind. By taking up a campaign against corruption they have become natural recipients of public acclaim.
There is no dearth of analysts who hold that the popularity of these two personalities have a lot to do with the fact that they shun political personalities. No wonder the news that Uma Bharati was turned away from Jantar Mantar, the venue of Anna Hazare’s fast was very prominently publicized. It was done by some who claimed to be Anna’s followers. It is index of Anna’s innate decency, and his disinclination to believe that all politicians are corrupt that when he learnt about this he publicly apologized to Uma.
In fact, I am of the view that those who revel in spreading a general climate of disdain about politics and politicians are doing a gross disservice to democracy.
Despite the short comings of Indian democracy we still have conscientious and upright politicians in the country and it is they who still give people optimism and confidence for the future.
In my political life of over six decades, I personally have worked with Deendayal Upadhyaya, Jaya Prakash Narain, A.B. Vajpayee, and Nanaji Deshmukh who are role-models not only for those in politics, but for all Indians irrespective of their avocation.
Speaking about role-models in the field of politics, I am reminded of a superb biography of Abraham Lincoln I had read last year. Titled Team of Rivals, the book had earned the Pulitzer Prize for its author Doris Kearns Good win.
In her Introduction to the book, Goodwin wrote:
“This is a story of Lincoln’s political genius revealed through his extraordinary array of personal qualities that enabled him to form friendships with men who had previously opposed him; to repair injured feelings that, left untended, might have escalated into permanent hostility; to assume responsibility for the failures of subordinates; to share credit with ease, and to learn from mistakes. He possessed an acute understanding of the sources of power inherent in the presidency, an unparalleled ability to keep his governing coalition intact, a tough-minded appreciation of the need to protect his presidential prerogatives, and a masterful sense of timing. His success in dealing with the strong egos of the men in his cabinet suggests that in the hands of a truly great politician the qualities we generally associate with decency and morality – kindness, sensitivity, compassion, honesty, and empathy – can also be impressive political resources.” (emphasis added)
When Barack Obama was asked which book he could not do without in the White House, his answer was instant: Team of Rivals. What struck me most when I first laid hands on this book were two quotations about President Lincoln of the United States highlighted at the beginning: Here are the two quotations :
“The conduct of the republican party in this nomination is a remarkable indication of small intellect, growing smaller. They pass over… statesmen and able men, and they take up a fourth rate lecturer, who cannot speak good grammar.”
The New York Herald (May 19, 1860).
“The greatness of Napoleon, Caesar or Washington is only moonlight by the sun of Lincoln. His example is universal and will last thousands of years…..He was bigger than his country – bigger than all the Presidents together … and as a great character he will live as long as the world lives.”
Leo Tolstoy, The World, New York, 1909
There is an anecdote about visitors to White House when Abraham Lincoln was President.
A group strayed into the President’s personal quarters and was astounded to see the President polishing his shoes.
Taken aback, the leader of the group remarked: “Mr. President, polishing your own shoes ?”
Lincoln looked up, and said: “Well, gentleman, whose shoes do you polish ?”
L.K. Advani
New Delhi
12 April, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Press release by BJP National Vice President, Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi
New Delhi, 5th April, 2011: Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) declares the commencement of a nationwide "JAN SANGHARSH" launched against corruption, price-rise, Black money and various other ongoing scams pertaining to similar issues, from 6th April, 2011.
BJP Vice-President, Central Programmer and the Campaign Prabhari, Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi has stalwartly stated that this "Jan sangharsh" commencing from 6th April, shall be the stepping stone for the initiation of an effective and aggressive campaign against Congress-led UPA Government by organizing 'Jansangharsh' rallies and anti-corruption Marathons in various parts of the country. The first phase of Jansangharsh campaign will be held in the five elections bound states after the election is over and shall continue till 15th June, 2011.
According to Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, the Jansangharsh rallies in districts shall be proceeded by 'Pad Yatras' and 'Prabhat Pheries', for generating awareness amongst the general public, with an appeal to the public for their active participation in the campaign against corruption and nepotism, every family being represented by at least one member from the family in the campaign against corruption, price-rise and scams.
Shri Naqvi has also stated that BJP pertains to organize "Bhrashtachar Virodhe Marathon" various parts/areas of all major cities of the country wherein the youths from various areas shall participate which shall serve as an effective mode of transmitting the significance and importance of the Jansangharsh campaign in all the chowks, corners, streets and mohallas.
According to Shri Naqvi the Jan sangharsh campaign, will be staging a Nukkad Natak, “Aam Adami par hai bhari - Singhasan yah Bhrashtachari”, in various parts of the country wherein various teams comprising the youths shall dramatize the same in their respective local languages throughout country with the sole object of making the public aware and more sensitive towards the issue of corruption.
Shri Naqvi has stated that 'Jan Sangharsh' campaign organized by BJP with a view to curbing corruption, black money and price-rise will aim to portray in minute details the truth about corruption and scams through music and songs which is generally considered as an effective and widely accepted medium of communication. In this regards today a music CD of songs contain title'BHARTCHAR GEET MALA" also released for this agitation.
The BJP President Shri Nitin Gadkari ji will be a part of the 'Jan Sangharsh' campaign and shall participate in the programme scheduled to be held in Delhi on 6 April at Mavlankar Hall, New Delhi.
“6th April” is considered to be a very significant day being the “STHAPANA DIVAS” of Bhartiya Janata Party as on this very day “Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan” had launched an agitation against the corruption. Following the footsteps present day BJP on 6th April, 2011 is set off to launch a crusade against corruption, black money and price-rise.
BJP Vice-President, Central Programmer and the Campaign Prabhari, Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi has stalwartly stated that this "Jan sangharsh" commencing from 6th April, shall be the stepping stone for the initiation of an effective and aggressive campaign against Congress-led UPA Government by organizing 'Jansangharsh' rallies and anti-corruption Marathons in various parts of the country. The first phase of Jansangharsh campaign will be held in the five elections bound states after the election is over and shall continue till 15th June, 2011.
According to Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, the Jansangharsh rallies in districts shall be proceeded by 'Pad Yatras' and 'Prabhat Pheries', for generating awareness amongst the general public, with an appeal to the public for their active participation in the campaign against corruption and nepotism, every family being represented by at least one member from the family in the campaign against corruption, price-rise and scams.
Shri Naqvi has also stated that BJP pertains to organize "Bhrashtachar Virodhe Marathon" various parts/areas of all major cities of the country wherein the youths from various areas shall participate which shall serve as an effective mode of transmitting the significance and importance of the Jansangharsh campaign in all the chowks, corners, streets and mohallas.
According to Shri Naqvi the Jan sangharsh campaign, will be staging a Nukkad Natak, “Aam Adami par hai bhari - Singhasan yah Bhrashtachari”, in various parts of the country wherein various teams comprising the youths shall dramatize the same in their respective local languages throughout country with the sole object of making the public aware and more sensitive towards the issue of corruption.
Shri Naqvi has stated that 'Jan Sangharsh' campaign organized by BJP with a view to curbing corruption, black money and price-rise will aim to portray in minute details the truth about corruption and scams through music and songs which is generally considered as an effective and widely accepted medium of communication. In this regards today a music CD of songs contain title'BHARTCHAR GEET MALA" also released for this agitation.
The BJP President Shri Nitin Gadkari ji will be a part of the 'Jan Sangharsh' campaign and shall participate in the programme scheduled to be held in Delhi on 6 April at Mavlankar Hall, New Delhi.
“6th April” is considered to be a very significant day being the “STHAPANA DIVAS” of Bhartiya Janata Party as on this very day “Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan” had launched an agitation against the corruption. Following the footsteps present day BJP on 6th April, 2011 is set off to launch a crusade against corruption, black money and price-rise.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Overcoming initial setbacks and occasional hiccups, India lifted the World Cup in style on Saturday by defeating Sri Lanka by six wickets. After Kapil’s Devils unexpectedly won the Cup in 1983, after 28 long years, and a few heartbreaks in between, the country emerged world champions again. The World Cup final match game see-sawed between the two teams a bit, but never went out of India’s grip. Set a target of 275, India opened their innings on a disastrous note when Lasith Malinga got rid of Sehwag for duck in the second ball of the Indian innings. He struck again to scalp Sachin Tendulkar (18).
Gambhir held on to his ground and plugged further collapse with Kohli. When Kohli (35), who never looked comfortable, fell for a splendid catch taken by Dilshan off his own bowling, Gambhir’s calm presence helped an out-of-form Dhoni settle down and start getting runs.
After leading the Indian fight back, Gambhir was clean bowled by Perrera just
short of what would have been an impressive century under trying circumstances, by four runs. Dhoni who struggled through out the tournament came good at the right moment and ensured that India stayed in the hunt.
Earlier, electing to bat after winning the toss, Jayawardene used his vast experience to good effect and anchored the Lankan innings together on what appeared to be a slow track at the renovated Wankhede stadium. The islanders, desperate to regain the coveted cup after nearly 15 years,lost wickets at regular intervals against the Indians, who were spurred on by a vociferous jam-packed crowd. The Indian bowlers were disciplined in the first half of the innings but conceded as many as 63 runs in the batting powerplay to undo all the good work. Apart from Jayawardene's 88-ball knock, captain Kumar Sangakkara (48) Tillakaratne Dilshan (33) and Nuwan Kulasekara (32) were the other notable performers as the Lankans left India with an asking rate of 5.50 runs per over for clinching the title.
For India, Zaheer Khan (2/60) and Yuvraj Singh (2/49) were the pick of the wicket-takers. Both the Indian new ball bowlers bowled a tidy line and length and did not allow the Sri Lankans to get off to a flying start while the fielding was also sharp.
Pace spearhead Zaheer's first three overs were maidens and that put some pressure on the two Lankan openers who were not being able to capitalise on the powerplay overs.
Tillakaratne broke the stranglehold by hitting the first boundary of the innings in the 5th over by pulling Sreesanth to the square leg fence. In the same over, he produced a delightful cut to the point for his second boundary. Tharanga looked completely out of sorts at the other end as he found it difficult to find the gaps as Zaheer bowled a searching length right through his opening spell. Zaheer drew first blood in his fourth over by evicting Tharanga with an outgoing delivery and Virender Sehwag holding on to diving catch at first slip much to the delight of a capacity crowd at the Wankhade stadium. Tharanga scored just two runs off 20 balls.
The Lankans could manage just 31 runs in the first ten overs, their lowest in the tournament. That was largely because of Zaheer excellent first spell of 5-3-6-1.
Captain Kumar Sangakkara, who joined the action after Tharanga's dismissal, sought to force the pace of scoring by spanking Sreesanth for two consecutive boundaries while Dilshan also hit him for a boundary to get 15 runs off the over.
Dilshan and Sangakkara put on 43 runs for the second wicket before Harbhajan Singh struck by getting rid of Dilshan (33), who scored 500 runs in the tournament.
Dilshan went for a sweep but the ball hit his gloves and lobbed onto his stumps to trigger off wild celebrations in the galleries. Sangakkara and Jayawardene then took upon themselves the task of rebuilding the innings and the duo scored at a decent pace to steer the team to a more comfortable position. Yuvraj Singh, who has been having a dream tournament with both the bat and the ball, was introduced into the attack in the 22nd over but the two experienced batsmen were not really troubled by his left arm spin.
Jayawardene and Nuwan Kulasekara then teamed up ensure that Sri Lanka had a competitive total on the board as they went about accumulating runs in the batting power play which was taken in the last five overs.
Overcoming initial setbacks and occasional hiccups, India lifted the World Cup in style on Saturday by defeating Sri Lanka by six wickets. After Kapil’s Devils unexpectedly won the Cup in 1983, after 28 long years, and a few heartbreaks in between, the country emerged world champions again. The World Cup final match game see-sawed between the two teams a bit, but never went out of India’s grip. Set a target of 275, India opened their innings on a disastrous note when Lasith Malinga got rid of Sehwag for duck in the second ball of the Indian innings. He struck again to scalp Sachin Tendulkar (18).
Gambhir held on to his ground and plugged further collapse with Kohli. When Kohli (35), who never looked comfortable, fell for a splendid catch taken by Dilshan off his own bowling, Gambhir’s calm presence helped an out-of-form Dhoni settle down and start getting runs.
After leading the Indian fight back, Gambhir was clean bowled by Perrera just
short of what would have been an impressive century under trying circumstances, by four runs. Dhoni who struggled through out the tournament came good at the right moment and ensured that India stayed in the hunt.
Earlier, electing to bat after winning the toss, Jayawardene used his vast experience to good effect and anchored the Lankan innings together on what appeared to be a slow track at the renovated Wankhede stadium. The islanders, desperate to regain the coveted cup after nearly 15 years,lost wickets at regular intervals against the Indians, who were spurred on by a vociferous jam-packed crowd. The Indian bowlers were disciplined in the first half of the innings but conceded as many as 63 runs in the batting powerplay to undo all the good work. Apart from Jayawardene's 88-ball knock, captain Kumar Sangakkara (48) Tillakaratne Dilshan (33) and Nuwan Kulasekara (32) were the other notable performers as the Lankans left India with an asking rate of 5.50 runs per over for clinching the title.
For India, Zaheer Khan (2/60) and Yuvraj Singh (2/49) were the pick of the wicket-takers. Both the Indian new ball bowlers bowled a tidy line and length and did not allow the Sri Lankans to get off to a flying start while the fielding was also sharp.
Pace spearhead Zaheer's first three overs were maidens and that put some pressure on the two Lankan openers who were not being able to capitalise on the powerplay overs.
Tillakaratne broke the stranglehold by hitting the first boundary of the innings in the 5th over by pulling Sreesanth to the square leg fence. In the same over, he produced a delightful cut to the point for his second boundary. Tharanga looked completely out of sorts at the other end as he found it difficult to find the gaps as Zaheer bowled a searching length right through his opening spell. Zaheer drew first blood in his fourth over by evicting Tharanga with an outgoing delivery and Virender Sehwag holding on to diving catch at first slip much to the delight of a capacity crowd at the Wankhade stadium. Tharanga scored just two runs off 20 balls.
The Lankans could manage just 31 runs in the first ten overs, their lowest in the tournament. That was largely because of Zaheer excellent first spell of 5-3-6-1.
Captain Kumar Sangakkara, who joined the action after Tharanga's dismissal, sought to force the pace of scoring by spanking Sreesanth for two consecutive boundaries while Dilshan also hit him for a boundary to get 15 runs off the over.
Dilshan and Sangakkara put on 43 runs for the second wicket before Harbhajan Singh struck by getting rid of Dilshan (33), who scored 500 runs in the tournament.
Dilshan went for a sweep but the ball hit his gloves and lobbed onto his stumps to trigger off wild celebrations in the galleries. Sangakkara and Jayawardene then took upon themselves the task of rebuilding the innings and the duo scored at a decent pace to steer the team to a more comfortable position. Yuvraj Singh, who has been having a dream tournament with both the bat and the ball, was introduced into the attack in the 22nd over but the two experienced batsmen were not really troubled by his left arm spin.
Jayawardene and Nuwan Kulasekara then teamed up ensure that Sri Lanka had a competitive total on the board as they went about accumulating runs in the batting power play which was taken in the last five overs.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Press statement issued by Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad on Shunglu committee report
The Fifth report of the High Level Committee (HLC) headed by Mr. V K Shunglu, once again confirms that there were gross acts of omission and commission, which facilitated undue gains to the contractors, leading to wasteful expenditure, which contributed to overall loss to the Government. The Report specifically mentions that “the malaise runs deep and cannot be dismissed as a “one off” aberration for which relatively junior functionaries alone can be held responsible. Officers of the Organisation concerned, who were involved, would have to be identified on the basis of further investigation and suitable action be taken”. The BJP would like to ask the Prime Minister to tell the nation as to what action he proposes to take against those involved and at what level.
The report of the committee has pointed out glaring irregularities in award of contracts and tenders, poor oversight and deliberate lack of monitoring, which led not only to undue advantage to few in contracts but also collusive bidding, hasty decisions, cost escalation and wasteful expenditure. The total loss was Rs. 1600 Crores in Stadium projects and the cost of delays alone amounted to Rs. 800 Crores. In all this apart from the Delhi Government, DDA, CPWD, NDMC, PWD bodies are involved. The committee has already earlier stated that the Chief Minister Smt. Sheila Dixit concentrated all the financial power in her hand while the organising committee headed by Mr. Kalmadi indulge in reckless acts of corruption and financial mismanagement causing severe loss of the taxpayers’ money.
From the Analysis and Conclusion of the Report it is apparent that there was a conspiracy from the very beginning to cause deliberate delay in the conclusion of the project in time, escalate the cost, seek more fund and award contracts at very high cost because of the short time span available. This would be evident from the fact that the organising committee awarded only 47 out of 542 contracts in between Oct. 2006 and Dec. 2009 (4 years) and when there was no time left it was forced to award 495 contracts in just 9 months i.e. January to September 2010. In fact, the highest numbers of contracts were awarded in September 2010 while 75 contracts were awarded in Oct. 2010 when the games were to start in November 2010. Therefore the committee has noted that the budget was revised at will and in almost all projects significant cost escalation has been observed. The committee has noted “it appears as if to economise was criminal and to splurge was civil”.
Apart from the role of the Delhi Government the Central Government exercises direct supervision and control over many bodies involved in the Games organisation like the CPWD and DDA, which comes under Ministry of Urban Development. As far as, sanction of additional funds are concerned the same was done by high powered committee having many officers of the PMO as well. Now when the Shunglu committee in its report has said other senior officers who were involved should be identified on the basis of further investigation and suitable action be taken against them; then the BJP would like to ask the Prime Minister would he allow fair and transparent investigation into the role of those who supervised, monitored, (Obviously, in the most disastrous manner) and sanctioned extra funds in a very hurried manner in top level bodies including those in the PMO.
This is the least the country expects from the Prime Minister because he set up this committee and promised follow up action as per the report. Now, Smt. Sheila Dixit, Delhi CM has openly questioned the report and in effect the Prime Minister. The BJP demands that all those responsible regardless of their stature or, the level from which they operated must be brought to book in a fair investigation. This is very important in view of the clear finding of the committee “that there was a method in the madness and the undue delay on projects was perhaps a deliberate attempt at higher levels to create a sense of panic with a view to giving undue advantage to all concerned.” Who are those sitting at higher levels are required to be identified and they must be suitably punished, the BJP demands.
The Prime Minister has already messed up the 2G Scam and the corruption relating to black money. But for strong Parliamentary pressure as well in the media and the intervention by the Court, the full dimension of corruption would have been allowed to remain under cover. Till date Mr Suresh Kalmadi has not been arrested and the Delhi Chief Minister who has a lot to answer is questioning the report itself. If the Prime Minister again maintains a conspicuous silence then it would be the final confirmation of his patronage of the corrupt.
The report of the committee has pointed out glaring irregularities in award of contracts and tenders, poor oversight and deliberate lack of monitoring, which led not only to undue advantage to few in contracts but also collusive bidding, hasty decisions, cost escalation and wasteful expenditure. The total loss was Rs. 1600 Crores in Stadium projects and the cost of delays alone amounted to Rs. 800 Crores. In all this apart from the Delhi Government, DDA, CPWD, NDMC, PWD bodies are involved. The committee has already earlier stated that the Chief Minister Smt. Sheila Dixit concentrated all the financial power in her hand while the organising committee headed by Mr. Kalmadi indulge in reckless acts of corruption and financial mismanagement causing severe loss of the taxpayers’ money.
From the Analysis and Conclusion of the Report it is apparent that there was a conspiracy from the very beginning to cause deliberate delay in the conclusion of the project in time, escalate the cost, seek more fund and award contracts at very high cost because of the short time span available. This would be evident from the fact that the organising committee awarded only 47 out of 542 contracts in between Oct. 2006 and Dec. 2009 (4 years) and when there was no time left it was forced to award 495 contracts in just 9 months i.e. January to September 2010. In fact, the highest numbers of contracts were awarded in September 2010 while 75 contracts were awarded in Oct. 2010 when the games were to start in November 2010. Therefore the committee has noted that the budget was revised at will and in almost all projects significant cost escalation has been observed. The committee has noted “it appears as if to economise was criminal and to splurge was civil”.
Apart from the role of the Delhi Government the Central Government exercises direct supervision and control over many bodies involved in the Games organisation like the CPWD and DDA, which comes under Ministry of Urban Development. As far as, sanction of additional funds are concerned the same was done by high powered committee having many officers of the PMO as well. Now when the Shunglu committee in its report has said other senior officers who were involved should be identified on the basis of further investigation and suitable action be taken against them; then the BJP would like to ask the Prime Minister would he allow fair and transparent investigation into the role of those who supervised, monitored, (Obviously, in the most disastrous manner) and sanctioned extra funds in a very hurried manner in top level bodies including those in the PMO.
This is the least the country expects from the Prime Minister because he set up this committee and promised follow up action as per the report. Now, Smt. Sheila Dixit, Delhi CM has openly questioned the report and in effect the Prime Minister. The BJP demands that all those responsible regardless of their stature or, the level from which they operated must be brought to book in a fair investigation. This is very important in view of the clear finding of the committee “that there was a method in the madness and the undue delay on projects was perhaps a deliberate attempt at higher levels to create a sense of panic with a view to giving undue advantage to all concerned.” Who are those sitting at higher levels are required to be identified and they must be suitably punished, the BJP demands.
The Prime Minister has already messed up the 2G Scam and the corruption relating to black money. But for strong Parliamentary pressure as well in the media and the intervention by the Court, the full dimension of corruption would have been allowed to remain under cover. Till date Mr Suresh Kalmadi has not been arrested and the Delhi Chief Minister who has a lot to answer is questioning the report itself. If the Prime Minister again maintains a conspicuous silence then it would be the final confirmation of his patronage of the corrupt.
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